Friday, December 5, 2008

Lamp Post Liquors

So a couple of years ago I was driving up Oracle Road, and the tiny drive-thru Lamp Post Liquors building was being demolished. While the excavator was clawing away with its shovel, a guy was hosing down the rubble to keep the dust down. A valiant but futile effort in Tucson, keeping down dust...

So I pulled my car onto the side street and asked the fellow with the hose if the sign was coming down, too.

"Oh, no... it's historic" said he, and I departed somewhat hopeful, but not entirely optimistic, about the fate of the sign.

Needless to say, the next time I went by, there was no sign of where the little building had been. And no sign of the sign, either.

Another one bites the Tucson dust, despite the guy with the hose.

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